Sports Injury Clinic - Affordable pain relief and physio support An affordable physio service for sports injuries and pains. Had a big game on the weekend? Pulled a muscle during the Park Run? Feeling the affect of your age and knowing we aren't spring chickens anymore? We're here...

Hi Guys and Girls, We thought we would just post a quick blog about hamstring strains and provide some simple little management tips. What is a hamstring strain? Hamstring strains are very common in team sports such as AFL, rugby, soccer and field hockey. These injuries often happen when...

How should i use my crutches?! This is a question we are often asked or we often see people who have been discharged with crtuches and have been given minimal instructions on their use.  We often see people using them incorrectly and as such we have created a few...

Exercising In The Heat As the weather heats up, many of us are keen to get out there and enjoy the sunshine. However, the risks of heat fatigue and heat-stroke are real! Here are some simple tips to avoid heat related illness and injury. What does heat...